You are here : Stores and Inventory > Stores and Inventory Masters > Warehouse User Authority Master

Warehouse User Authority Master


Through this master, you can assign authority to users for accessing specific warehouses. This facility is particularly useful when there are multiple warehouses and each warehouse is controlled by specific persons. One user can have access rights for multiple warehouses and one warehouse can be accessed by multiple users.


At the time of all Purchase and Material related transactions in and out of a Warehouse, IMMS will check whether the logged in user has the authority for that Warehouse or not.


Once a User is identified, it is also further possible to specify each and every transaction related to Stores and Inventory that can be accessed by that user. To do so, all the permissions given to the 'Operational Role' of that user are displayed to select from. A user can not enter a transaction if he or she does not have the rights for that transactions for a particular Warehouse.


Warehouse User Authority can be added, edited, and viewed in this master provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.

Screen Layout of Warehouse User Authority Master

Field Description of Warehouse User Authority Master

As you can see, three lists are displayed on the screen. The first list displays all the Warehouses. The second list displays all the Users and the third list displays all the Transactions.


Click on the button to continue.


Step 1 : Now click on the required Warehouse from the list. The second list will display all users defined through User Management option of Administrator Tools Module. Please note that only those users will be considered whose Expiry Date is later than today's date. Users who have already been authorized for the selected Warehouse will be displayed as selected.


Step 2 : You can select or de-select a particular User by clicking on the small white box of that User. You can select multiple Users in the same manner. Only the selected Users will be authorized for the Warehouse.


Step 3 : Once a user is selected, the third list will display all the Transactions which are available for the 'Operational Role' to which the selected user belongs to. Transactions for which the selected User is already authorized will be displayed as selected. You can select or de-select a particular Transaction by clicking on the small white box of that Transaction. You can select multiple Transactions in the same manner. The User will be authorized for only the selected Transactions for the Warehouse.


Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel' button to discard.